What we discovered in church today is that we simply cannot judge a braggard by his brags. There is more to Flavius than meets the eye. He has pain and struggles that no one knows and with a little patience and love, he can find his humble, centered self.
Buster, Sally, Spike, Mahilda ,Elmo, and Igmund G. Goodfellow III were a little bored last Saturday so they decided to invent a new card game. It is called " Snizzle ." There are three decks of cards involved. The object is to end up with all the cards (except those on the board). Each participant gets 2 hands. They are competing against other players, but also against themselves . If they get short on cards they can "merge" them into one hand. This is called a " dizzle ." When they have enough for two hands again, it is called an " un - dizzle ." The last dizzle will be just before a "drizzle." When that happens, everyone else has folded. That is called a "fizzle." So the object of Snizzle is to dizzle and undizzle until the last dizzle causes your friends to fizzle into your drizzle.