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The Word Around Town

The word around town is that some of the residents have been talking and it is creating quite a stir. There will be a meeting tonight at Mabel's Tea Cup. She'll keep the place open as long as necessary until this is sorted out and the leak is plugged.

Some of the news that has been coming out from "unnamed sources" and that remains unsubstatiated:

  • Uncle Hinkey's late night visits to the bowling alley when Miss Prudence Love just happens to show up.
  • Billie and Billy Bud Blueblood's rumored substitution of mountain oysters for similar products from local skunks leading to a decrease in population growth.
  • Mayor Simpleton's consideration of a 14th term.
  • A rumored movie and book deal to expose all the secrets of Polecat Hollow.
  • The Loyal Order of Goobers' annual skunk tail hat sale. Call 555-233-3322 for more information. Competitive prices and 3 styles to choose from.

Some call that gorilla marketing at its worst.


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