It is very cold in Polecat Hollow right now, the coldest May since as
far back as Uncle Hinkey can remember. It is so cold that the skunks are
all at least an hour late for extractions every morning. That's cold!
Buster, Sally, Spike, Mahilda ,Elmo, and Igmund G. Goodfellow III were a little bored last Saturday so they decided to invent a new card game. It is called " Snizzle ." There are three decks of cards involved. The object is to end up with all the cards (except those on the board). Each participant gets 2 hands. They are competing against other players, but also against themselves . If they get short on cards they can "merge" them into one hand. This is called a " dizzle ." When they have enough for two hands again, it is called an " un - dizzle ." The last dizzle will be just before a "drizzle." When that happens, everyone else has folded. That is called a "fizzle." So the object of Snizzle is to dizzle and undizzle until the last dizzle causes your friends to fizzle into your drizzle.