It is very cold in Polecat Hollow right now, the coldest May since as
far back as Uncle Hinkey can remember. It is so cold that the skunks are
all at least an hour late for extractions every morning. That's cold!
The Mayor was able to intervene with the manager of the extraction plant to solve the problem we reported a while back. Since I am witholding most of my material for a book, that is about all I can share. But I will let this bit of information loose from my grip: It involved the entire Goober den, the Junior Goobies and some equipment brought in by a busload of masked chemists from Visalia, lots of hoses and sucking machines. It was loud, but it was cleared up in a few days. KPU radio reports that all is well in the Burg. I apologize for the gap between reports. I'll try to do better.