Uncle Hinky was delighted to hear the news Buster brought about Horace. In skunk years, Horace was Hinky's contemporary. In people years, that number is quite few.
Uncle Hinky, (aka Thaddeus T. Hinklebeiner Jr.) is the living legacy of the later years of his old daddy's life. Longevity and virility run in the Hinklebeiner family. The Colonel, Hinky Senior - otherwise known as "The Colonel," had been married two times before he came to Polecat Hollow in 1879. He was well into adulthood at as married three that point and a widower for many years. In fact, he did not marry again until 1900 and began to sire children every 18 months until a son came along - Uncle Hinky.
Ask him how many brothers and sisters he has had and he won't be able to tell you for sure, but he knows it is over 20 and he is the last of them In fact, there had been a junior for each wife, but all died before he was born.
This morning, he is savoring a cup of coffee at Mabel's Tea Cup, his regular haunt on mornings like this - and every other morning for that matter. He is waiting for his nephew, the Mayor, Byron T. Simpleton.
There is some story about the T in that family, but know one had told me yet. If I hear, I will let you know.
A few seconds ago, Hinky's heart leapt nearly out of his chest. He caught a glimpse of one of prettiest sights in Polecat Hollow. there she was. He had known her for all of her 95 years. Miss Prudence Love. He had been secretly carrying a torch for her since she was 16 years old a decked out in ruffles at a barn dance. Every time he sees her stepping briskly down the avenue, he sees that 16 year old girl and not the 95 year old Sunday School teacher.
The problem is that he has always been too shy to ask her for a date... and she, he believes, is too independent and self-assured to care.
What he doesn't know may be more important than what he does know.
Buster, Sally, Spike, Mahilda ,Elmo, and Igmund G. Goodfellow III were a little bored last Saturday so they decided to invent a new card game. It is called " Snizzle ." There are three decks of cards involved. The object is to end up with all the cards (except those on the board). Each participant gets 2 hands. They are competing against other players, but also against themselves . If they get short on cards they can "merge" them into one hand. This is called a " dizzle ." When they have enough for two hands again, it is called an " un - dizzle ." The last dizzle will be just before a "drizzle." When that happens, everyone else has folded. That is called a "fizzle." So the object of Snizzle is to dizzle and undizzle until the last dizzle causes your friends to fizzle into your drizzle.